Pride + joy

Print Campaign


As a leader in boat insurance, we know that boat owners consider their watercraft a special part of the family. How special? Well, some might say their boat is their “baby”—an insight that we wanted to honor in our latest print ads.

We dove in, creating nationwide ads for boat publications, all with the theme of protecting your baby with Progressive.

Because like every good parent, boat owners experience all the emotions of caring for their little one, from the joy of bringing them home for the first time to grappling with leaks and rescuing overboard toys.

Every journey into parenthood has its ups and downs but we all know looking out for your baby is just part of the job, and choosing the right insurer is easy when they care for your boat like you do.


Accidents happen.

Protect your baby for as low as $100 a year.*

Shhhhh. No wake zone.

Protect your baby (and their toys) with coverage for fishing gear and personal property too.

Congrats, it’s a boat.

Protect your baby for as low as $100 a year.*

*Annual premium for basic liability policy. Not available in all states.